Monday, February 15, 2010

New Blog Segment: 'And then I remember, I'm not mentally ill'

Not so long ago, I was disturbed by a story I read during my daily digging into the Crime and Justice portions of It seams a young mother struggled to gain weight during her pregnancy. Once the baby was born, the baby struggled to gain weight on her own. However, after the baby was hospitalized, she was placed with a foster family and seemed to put weight on rather quickly, despite the mom's claims that the baby previously refused to eat and spit up the little bits that she did get down her. When confronted with the information regarding the baby's weight gain, instead of becoming overjoyed with the news of a thriving child, the young mother, filled with horror, exclaimed "What? I have a fat baby?! My child is fat?!?" The mother was granted visitation 3 times a week and the foster family began to notice a change in the babiy's appearance and a strange odor in the baby's mouth after the biological mother would visit and feed the baby. Turns out, she was adding laxatives to the bottle to prevent the baby from gaining any more weight and thus enduring a life of obesity. . . or something to that effect. See the full story here.

So, fast forward about a week to me browsing children's clothes online and coming across this adorable little swimsuit.
I mean, how cute is that?? And how cute would it look on my fiesty little alligator loving, full bellied, wild haired bambino?!?!

The problem? It only goes up to a size 3T. My daughter is 3. Most 3Ts fit her fine, but I tend to buy a little big, Her budding spring wardrobe is all 4T, and with the belly, elastic in the waist is a must no matter what size! So, what were the chances of a 3T swimsuit fitting my daughter around May or June? Slim to none. . .unless . . . (mind briefly recalls the story of the mom who starved her baby). . .and then I remember, I'm not mentally ill.

Footnote: I bought the swimsuit anyway because I couldn't not. It arrived today and fits her perfectly. We will be enrolling in Swimwell classes asap and checking in to the Embassy Suites as time and money permit, solely for the purpose of justifying my swimsuit purchase.


  1. Oh Jill that is so funny. The swimsuit looks great too. Good purchase. Your baby girl is growing up so fast. She's beautiful.

    Melody Stamps

  2. Thanks Melody! She is definitely growing too fast! I hope you are doing well. :0)
